The Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals (Latin: Decanus Sacri Collegii) is the president of the College of Cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church, and as such always holds the rank of Cardinal Bishop. The Dean is not necessarily the longest-serving member of the whole College (such a member might never become a Cardinal Bishop). For example, the longest-serving cardinal at present is Eugênio de Araújo Sales, who is a Cardinal Priest. It was customary for centuries for the longest-serving of the six Cardinal Bishops of suburbicarian sees to be Dean, and this was in fact required by canon law from 1917 until 1965, when Pope Paul VI empowered the six to elect the Dean from among their number. This election, a formality until the time of Pope John Paul II, must be confirmed by the pope. While the Dean (or in his absence or inability, the Subdean) presides over the College of Cardinals, he has no power of governance over the other cardinals. Instead he functions as primus inter pares in the college. There is no mandatory age of retirement for the position.
It is the Dean's responsibility to summon the conclave to elect a new pope when the previous one dies or resigns, and to preside over the conclave unless he is too old to vote in it. Additionally, the dean has the responsibility of communicating the "news of the Pope's death to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See and to the Heads of the respective Nations"[1] and is the public face of the Holy See in the sede vacante period. It is the Dean who asks the Pope-elect if he accepts the election, and then asks the new Pope what name he wishes to use. According to Canon 355 (from the Latin Code of Canon Law 1983), if the newly elected Supreme Pontiff is not already a bishop, it is the right of the Dean to ordain him as such. If the Dean is unable, then the right falls to the Sub-Dean, and then to the senior Cardinal Bishop. (For example, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was the Dean when he himself was elected Pope in 2005; thus the questions about acceptance and name came from the Sub-Dean, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.)
According to section 4 of Canon 350, the Cardinal Dean has "the title of the diocese of Ostia, together with that of any other church to which he already has a title." The Cardinal Dean, then, continues to hold the title of his suburbicarian diocese as well as being titular bishop of Ostia. This has been the case since 1914, by decree of Pope Pius X—previous deans had given up their prior suburbicarian see for the joint title of Ostia and Velletri. (The same 1914 decree separated the sees of Ostia and Velletri.)
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Each name is followed by years of birth and death, then comma-separated years of cardinalate and deanship. Two recent deans have chosen to retire before dying, while eight were elected Pope, Anastasius IV, Lucius III, Gregory IX, Alexander IV Alexander VI, Paul III, Paul IV and most recently Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger, elected Pope in 2005, the first Dean to be so elevated since Pope Paul IV in 1555).[2]
The obedience of Rome (1378-1415)
The obedience of Avignon (1378-1429)
The obedience of Pisa (1409-1415)